YR 1 CLASSES - Winter
Course Description:
This course will bring a distinctive overview to the blessings that we as believers have access when we study and apply the covenant of the blood of Jesus to our lives. One cannot fully understand scripture and correctly draw theological conclusions from it without grasping how all the biblical covenants unfold across time and find their fulfillment in Christ. Covenants form the backbone of the Bible’s meta-narrative and thus it is essential to put them together correctly to discern accurately the “whole counsel of God”.
Course Objectives:
- How to use the blood of Jesus to overcome the enemy
- To provide practical application of these truths and of their principles into the student’s daily lives and ministries.
- The student should be able to apply and plead the blood effectively, in addition to demonstrating the power of God.
- How to maintain constant victory through the blood of Jesus
Course Description:
Jesus said, “WITH God, all things are possible.” Often times believers can become frustrated when their prayers seem to be ineffective, and cease to pray. Actually, as a child of God, you have been given authority and empowerment from God to change the world through prayer. Prayer is necessary for believers desiring to accomplish the will of God on the earth. The course will equip you with truth and vital understanding of the power of your prayers.
Course Objectives:
- To give understanding to the student of why prayer is vital in the believer’s life.
- To educate the student on how to pray and how to release the power of God through prayer.
- To educate the student on the benefits of prayer and fasting.
Course Description:
While Christian persecution takes many forms, it is defined as any hostility experienced as a result of identification with Jesus Christ. From Sudan to Russia, from Nigeria to North Korea, from Colombia to India, followers of Christianity are targeted for their faith. They are attacked; they are discriminated against at work and at school; they risk sexual violence, torture, arrest and much more. Are we prepared for it in America?
Course Objectives:
- To give a thorough understanding to the student of what persecution really is.
- To educate the student on persecution for the times of the antiquity until today.
- To prepare the student on how to respond to persecution.
Course Description:
As God’s Word is taught, the student will learn how submission and authority applies to daily life. The student will gain an understanding of how vital and powerful true submission is in order to walk in Godly authority. Wisdom is also provided through personal experiences. This course will provide the student with a foundation for faith in their personal life and equip them with truths that will carry the student through ministry.
Course Objectives:
- To realize the importance of submission and authority in the daily walk of faith.
- To become grounded in the Word of God concerning submission and authority.
- To be prepared to submit to authority and learn how to walk in God-given authority.
Course Description:
This course will help students have a biblical understanding of the Helps Ministry in relation to the local church, which works in conjunction with a world-wide ministry. This course will be taught fort he principles found in the Word of God in relation to helping fulfill the vision of your local church.
Course Objectives:
- To help the student become an effective minister of helps within the local church setting.
- To give the student an understanding of the biblical qualifications for the ministry of helps.
- To give the student an understanding of the importance of the role of the ministry of helps to the fulfillment of the vision of the local church.
Course Description:
As we teach out of the Word of God concerning stewardship, you will become familiar with many scriptures that pertain to different realms of stewardship. We will learn natural principles of how to be a good steward, and also what the Bible promises us. This course will give you a foundation and bring freedom in your personal life as well as equip you with truths you will need to break people free in Godly stewardship.
Course Objectives:
- To impart faith and apply the Word in your personal life producing breakthroughs that will help you become a better steward of the resources God has given you.
- To become aware of your daily responsibility as a steward.
- To become equipped to write and preach your own stewardship messages.
YR 1 CLASSES - Spring
Course Description:
This course is a practical course on the subject of our authority as given by the Word of God. We will be using the book, “The Believer’s Authority” by Kenneth E. Hagin, to begin to unfold the Scriptures concerning this great subject.
Course Objectives:
Many believers are unaware of the authority God has provided us. Some are already walking in their authority without knowing it. The objective of this course is to help believers open God’s Word on the subject of authority so we may not only live out our God-given authority, but also see God’s perfect plan unfold in our lives on a daily basis.
Course Description:
This is a course on the importance of every believer fulfilling the Great Commission. Each student will experience the joy of leading others to Christ and be equipped to effectively impact the world around them with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Course Objective:
To offer students practical hands-on instruction on how to effectively share and demonstrate the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Course Description:
In this course of eschatology we will study key issues such as heaven and hell, Israel, the Church, the rapture, the tribulation, the millennium, and the Book of Revelation. We will examine the doctrine of eschatology or “last things” as reflected in scripture and developed in Christian theology. this study highlights how God will accomplish His purposes for the world and humanity through future events.
Course Objectives:
- The student should have a greater scriptural understanding concerning what the Bible says about the “last things.”
- The student should be able to share what the Word of God says about the last days with others in a confident manner.
- The student also will be blessed, because they read, hear, and keep the things which the Bible says regarding these last days (Revelation 1:3).
Course Description:
This course is a foundational study of faith. The following topics will be covered in this class:
- Faith defined
- How we get faith
- What it means to believe with the heart
- Confession
- Overcoming faith
- Enemies to faith
- The God-kind of faith
- How to train the human spirit
- The prayer of faith
- Keys to increasing faith
Course Objective:
To obtain and incorporate a practical working faith in your daily life.
Course Description:
This course is designed to assist the student in recognizing and developing the fruit that the Holy Spirit would like to produce in the life of a believer according to the book of Galatians.
Course Objective:
- To understand how the fruit of the Holy Spirit is to be evident in their life.
- To show how they can continue to produce that fruit in their lives.
- To understand how the fruit of the Spirit produces eternal fruit for the Kingdom of God.
Course Description:
In this class, we will be studying the heart of the believer and its importance in the Christian walk. This class will show how to develop one’s heart and why it’s important to keep one’s heart with all diligence.
Course Objective:
- To lay a basic understanding of what the Bible refers to when it speaks about the heart of man.
- To realize the importance of guarding one’s heart and how to do so.
- For each student to discover how to listen to their heart and minster from it.
- To understand why it’s necessary for a minister to maintain a pure heart.
YR 1 CLASSES - Summer
Course Description:
In this course on The Anointing, Dr. Todd Holmes reveals some key truths to the anointing, learned in 40 years of ministry. The student will learn that the anointing is present to heal, deliver, set free, and set ablaze anyone who is hungry and desperate enough to be used of God.
Course Objectives:
- Receive teaching on most aspects of the anointing
- Learn about the transference of the anointing
- Learn how the anointing is the supernatural equipment to get the job done
- Learn that the anointing is the signature of God on his/her life
Course Description:
In this course of apologetics we will study key issues such as clearly defining apologetics, understanding why apologetics are important to Christians, misconceptions about Christianity, and strategies to defend your faith.
Course Objectives:
- The student should have a greater scriptural understanding of what apologetics means and how to apply it to their lives.
- The student should be able to defend their faith in Jesus against basic arguments presented to them.
- The student also will be blessed, because their faith in Jesus will be strengthened, not only by the word of God, but also by evidence presented to us by the world that we live in.
Course Description:
The Bible Doctrines class allows the student to see an overview of how the Bible is the foundation for the life of a believer.
Course Objectives:
- Students will learn that the Bible was given by the Inspiration of God.
- Students will grow in sound doctrine and have a boldness on how to stand on the Word of God in their lives.
Course Description:
The emphasis of this course will be in two different areas:
- To establish from the scriptures that it is God’s will to heal all today
- To correct wrong thinking about certain passages of scripture misunderstood by those who oppose divine healing.
Course Objective:
At the completion of this course, the student should have a thorough understanding that God is not just able to heal, but He is willing. The student should be able to convincingly minister what the Word of God says about healing to the sick and diseased in addition to demonstrating the power of God in this area.
Course Description:
In this course we will examine the Name of Jesus, revealing the power and authority invested in His Name. We will also study the healing and miracle ministry of Jesus Christ.
Course Objective:
- To give the student the understanding of how to use the Name of Jesus in their daily walk as a powerful son of God.
- To give the student the understanding that Jesus’ goal was not just to perform miracles, but to empower believers by revealing spiritual lessons, as well drawing people to God.
- To study the 36 different miracle of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels.
- To give the student understanding of how the healing and miracle ministry of Jesus affects us today.
- To give the student understanding that we, as believers, can operate in the healing and miracle ministry.
Course Description:
In this course students will study the love of God and how to walk in His love as Jesus walked. We will examine the importance of this love and how sinful man came to receive God’s love. This study reveals the necessity and ability for every believer to walk in this supernatural love that compelled the Father to sacrifice His only begotten Son on our behalf, while we were yet sinners.
Course Objectives:
- To lead students to a knowledge and understanding of the love of God: experiencing the love of God personally, then recognizing and experiencing the love God has for others, as students learn to love others with the God kind of love, as Christ did.
- To provide practical application of these truths from scripture into the student’s daily lives and ministries, causing them to attain full spiritual stature.
- Students will enjoy greater peace and joy, a purity of heart and mind, and a stronger anointing as they “pursue this love with eagerness, making in their goal.”
Course Description:
This course will teach and expound upon the requirements of a minister in fulfilling the call of God upon their life, in order to fully obey and successfully complete the assignment that God has given the individual.
Course Objective:
At the completion of this course, you will have a thorough understanding of how a minister should handle leadership. We will cover Biblical principles and practical ways to be the kind of leader that God can find faithful and able to promote, and one who will demonstrate the ways of the Kingdom of God. We will cover what it requires in the natural to be committed to the call of God upon your life.
Course Description:
This course will survey the history of Christianity since the beginning of the Church. Emphasis will be given to the charismatic/Pentecostal movements that have arisen since the book of Acts, and that have continued throughout history to the present day. This course will also provide an understanding of the continuous move of the Spirit in the life of the church, culminating in the present move of revival in the world today.
Course Objectives:
- To understand the continuous move of the Spirit throughout the history of the Church.
- To understand how charismatic movements have been viewed in the life of the Church.
- To learn of major leaders who identified with the charismatic nature of the Church.
Course Description:
This class will allow students to learn about each of the nine gifts of the Spirit, and how these gifts can flow in their individual lives.
Course Objective:
Students will see from the Word of God where the gifts were used and demonstrated as an example for us today. Students will grow in boldness and fervor, while developing a passion to be used in these areas.
Course Description:
In this course we will help you sum up your own life to discern where you are spiritually. Then in using the Word of God, this course will help you to grow from that stage and into the person God has intended you to become.
Course Objectives:
- To help the student to locate their current stage of spiritual growth.
- To help the student to move into the next stage of spiritual development.
- To guide the student in developing a close fellowship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- To see the student renew their mind with the Word of God.
- To give the student the understanding of the differences between the natural man, the carnal man, and the spiritual man.
Course Description:
In this course students will consider practical Christian living as written in the Prison Epistles and discover these writings as a personal guide line for every believer to pattern their lives thereby.
Course Objectives:
- Learn about the background of the Apostle Paul, who he was, and what made him uniquely qualified to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles
- Learn about the Prison Epistles and why they were written
- To dissect the Prison Epistles in such a way that understanding is received and the spirit of faith is caught
- To receive revelation from the Holy Spirit that will cause students to rise above their natural existence and experience continual seating in heavenly places in Christ Jesus
Course Description:
In this course we will learn from the Word of God to know His ways and find out the principles by which He does things and deals with us.
Course Objectives:
- To give a through understanding to the student of the distinct difference between our ways and God’s ways
- To educate the student on how God moves, speaks, directs, and leads according to the Word of God
- To prepare the student on how to respond to the leading of the Holy Spirit
YR 2 CLASSES - Winter
Course Description:
The greatest limitation for believers is the difficulty to hear God’s voice. From the moment of our birth, and throughout our lifetime, we become accustomed to hearing the different voices that come from different sources. Because of this, discerning, the voice of God, becomes an odyssey for many.
Old beliefs, that declare that God only spoke in the past or that the great servants of God are the only privileged people able to hear His voice must change. God wants to communicate with His people today. You must embrace this truth, if you want to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.
Course Objective:
My desire in this course is to assure you, the student, that God is speaking, and He desires to speak to you. We will address the questions, such as, “Why don’t I hear him?”, “Why don’t I recognize his voice?”, “How can I know when he is speaking?”.
Course Description:
The purpose of this course is to acquaint the student with the art and science of preaching known as homiletics.
Course Objective:
This course is designed to assist the student in organizing themselves, materials, and their God-given abilities to effectively minister the Gospel.
Course Description:
The purpose of this course is to set forth biblical principles which will assist the man and woman of God in achieving their potential in the realm of their calling to the ministry.
Course Objective:
During this course, the student will obtain a greater understanding of the attitudes, ethics, and integrity that must be operative in the lives of God’s servants. The application of these truths will enable one to walk worthy of the calling of God.
Course Description:
The purpose of this course is to assist students in identifying and making sure their calling from God.
Course Objective:
During this course, the student will obtain a greater understanding of two of the five-fold ministry gifts, the pastor and the teacher. It also includes their qualifications, how they function in their office, and the specific giftings typically imparted with their anointing. We will focus on some of the practical, daily aspects of the pastor including what a pastor does, how he does it, and why.
Course Description:
To investigate the Hidden man of the Heart, the spirit man, according to the great plan of redemption. Our purpose is to scripturally unveil who we are in Christ through the new birth: what He says we are, and what He had made us to be in the great redemptive work largely found in the Epistles.
Course Objectives:
For students to:
- settle by personal decision that the living Word of God is truth.
- receive understanding and revelation by the Holy Spirit of who they are, what they can do, and what they have received in Christ based on the truth of God’s Word.
- extract from Scripture and verbally declare those truths over their lives, committing them to memory, until nothing and no one is able to convince them to the contrary.
- operate on a daily basis in that understanding and revelation demonstrating the love, power and presence of God in every place and over every situation of their lives.
Course Description:
This course will cover many Biblical principles on praise and worship, giving students a greater foundation from which to praise God in the way that He desires. We will cover Biblical meanings of praise, practical and applicable ways to praise God according to Scripture, definitions and characteristics of praise, and the relationship and difference between praise and worship.
Course Objective:
At the completion of this course, students will have a greater understanding of Biblical praise, and h ow we are to approach the Lord in our personal and corporate times of worship. Students will learn principles for the Word of God that reveal why believers need to live and operate in and from His presence, and how to enter His presence through praise and worship.
YR 2 CLASSES - Spring
Course Description:
This course is an overview of the life and miracle ministry of Jesus throughout the Gospels, We will see the revelation of how these healings and miracles are for today through His body the Church. We will see how Jesus loved and had compassion on the lost and how we can release our faith for the impossible.
Course Objective:
- How to believe for instant and complete results when praying for the sick.
- How to connect our faith for the impossible when praying for the sick.
- Seeing that Jesus never turned down anyone that needed a miracle.
- How to have compassion on hurting humanity.
Course Description:
This course’s purpose is to give the student called into ministry a through understanding of the practicalities and demands of ministry placed on the family and how to deal with them successfully: in other words, how to balance family and ministry correctly.
Course Objective:
The course objective is to help the student avoid common pitfalls in the delicate process of balancing ministry and family and to be equipped with the knowledge and understanding of the Word in such matters.
Course Description:
The student will obtain a general knowledge of the theme and content of each Old Testament book, and gain understanding of the meaning and significance of the historical events and message of the Old Testament.
Course Objective:
Upon complete of this course, the student will be able to:
- Recall, in order, the books of the Old Testament and their classifications.
- Recall, in brief, the theme of each book of the Old Testament
- Remember the names of leading Old Testament characters and the significance of their lives as revealed in the Scriptures
- Be familiar with Old Testament historical events in chronological order
- Realize that knowledge of the Old Testament contributes to a right understanding of the New Testament
- Have an understanding of the nature of God and man as revealed in the Old Testament
- Trace the great theme of Redemption throughout the Old Testament and also note that the central figure in the redemptive plan is the promised Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ
- Take advantage of the wealth of illustrative material found in the types, shadows, and historical events of the Old Testament
Course Description:
To understand the importance of prayer and to know how to pray effectively.
Course Objective:
This course is an in-depth study of prayer. The following topics will be covered:
- Why we pray and the rules regarding prayer
- Various kinds of prayer
- Man’s need for an intercessor
- The prayer life of a believer
- Love: the foundation for successful prayer
- Elements of the believer’s prayer life
- The Holy Spirit: our Helper in prayer
- Praying for the sick
- Praying in the Spirit
- Praying for your Nation
Course Description:
In this course, The Office of the Prophet & Prophetic Gifts, we will study key issues regarding the ministry of the prophet and the giftings associated with the ministry gift. In the New Testament prophecy meant to proclaim a Divine revelation, to foretell the future, and to break forth under sudden impulse into inspired discourse. The nature of prophecy is basically twofold: forth-telling and foretelling. There are as well, different degrees of prophetic inspiration. We will discuss, define, and dissect things related to this supernatural gifting, according to the Word of God.
Course Objective:
In this course, we will endeavor to cover these topics…
- The definition of prophecy.
- The nature of prophecy.
- The degrees of prophetic inspiration.
- The gift of prophecy.
- The office of the prophet.
- The development of the prophetic office.
- The different kinds of prophecies.
- The calling, the qualifications, and the ministry of the prophet.
- How to test prophecies and prophets.
Course Description:
This course will survey the history of Christianity beginning in 1900 and going through until the modern day church of today. Emphasis will be given to the charismatic/Pentecostal movements that have arisen since the book of Acts, and that have continued throughout history to the present day. This course will also provide an understanding of the continuous move of the Spirit in the life of the church, culminating in the present move of revival in the world today.
Course Objectives:
- To understand the continuous move of the Spirit throughout the history of the church
- To understand how charismatic movements have been viewed in the life of the church
- To learn major leaders who identified with the charismatic nature of the church
YR 2 CLASSES - Summer
Course Description:
This course will give students an understanding of God’s authority that is made available to every believer through the name of Jesus, and enable you to live victoriously in Christ.
Course Objectives:
- To understand the power of the name of Jesus that has been given to believers
- To become grounded in the Word of God concerning the use of the name of Jesus
- To learn to walk in each one of God’s promises through the name of Jesus
Course Description:
The student will obtain a general knowledge of the theme and content of each New Testament book, and how it applies to them today.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, the student will:
- Know the New Testament books in order
- Know the author of each book
- Know the purpose for each book
- Know the message of each book
- Be able to see Christ in each book
- Receive understanding of how the New Testament instructs us today to be the Church of Jesus Christ
Course Description:
This course is a study of the Tabernacle of Moses in detail, from the materials used in the construction, to sacrifices that were performed inside, and everything in between.
Course Objective:
The objective of this course is for the student to gain a deeper understanding of the Tabernacle that was built by Moses, under the instruction of God, and how it relates to the New Testament.
Course Description:
This course will ground you, the student, in the Word of God concerning the activity of angels and demons. It will build faith for dealing scripturally with both Godly angels and demons. This class will give you the proper insight that you need as a child of God to walk in spiritual dominion and authority over all the power of the enemy.
Course Objectives:
- To gain understanding of the origin, operation, and work of the kingdom of darkness and its inhabitants.
- To distinguish the difference between oppression, obsession, and possession.
- To gain understanding on how to deal with evil spirits.
- To establish the reality of angels and their ranks.
- To gain understanding of what angels do and what they know.
Course Description:
In this second course on Faith, Pastor Katie Holmes will continue teaching the Biblical truths that will cause the student’s faith to increase substantially. The student can expect to be challenge in different areas of what mindsets and hindrances must be changed to see their faith grow. They will learn how to apply faith to any area of their life.
Course Objective:
- Learning and applying faith priniciples
- Learn and rid yourself of any hinderances to your faith growing
- Learn practical ways of increasing your your faith
- See results and be able to teach others
Course Description:
The emphasis of the course will be in these areas:
- To give the student a thorough understanding of how the evangelist dovetails with the Church as we know it.
- To bring practical insight into the traveling evangelist and how things work on the road.
- To show some of the pitfalls and how you can overcome them.
Course Objective:
At the completion of this course, the student should be able to see how important the traveling evangelist is to the local church and how the Fire of God plays such a vital part in this ministry. The student will gain a basic understanding of behind-the-scenes operations such as: scheduling meetings, booking travel, conducting crusades, and other ministry essentials.
Course Description:
In Bible times, apostolos was a word used by the Greeks and Romans to describe special military envoys wo were handpicked, given all power and authority, and charged to subdue, conquer, train, and establish their kingdom in new territories.
Today we translate this word as apostle, and today we are still being called, like the first century apostles to subdue and conqueer the enemy. To instruct, train, and establish the Kingdom in people’s hearts. But if we are to see the Church fulfill her mission – advancing the Kingdom – we need to understand her apostolic dimension.
Course Objective:
The class will help you to recognize the characteristics of a true apostle of God. You will learn about the apostolic mentality- what their heart is like, what their mission is, what tools they use to build the Church, and what authority they have.
Course Description:
This class is designed to strengthen the student’s knowledge, understanding and awareness of the Kingdom of Heaven through the teaching and application of Kingdom Principles.
Course Objective:
- To learn and understand the culture of the Kingdom of Heaven
- To learn different principles from the Kingdom of Heaven
- To learn how to apply Kingdom principles to everyday life
Course Description:
In this course on Leadership. Pastor Katie Holmes teaches some key truths to help lead in a Godly way. The student will learn effective leadership styles and how to develop into the leader that God has called you to be, and one that will make you most effective in what and who God has called you to lead.
Course Objectives:
- Recognizing the leadership potential inside and how to grow that
- Learn Biblical principles and qualities that are essential for leadership
- Learn the requirements of a leader, such as how to confront, disciple, delegate authority, etc.
- Learn the price and priorities of being a leader
Course Description:
In this course we will discuss revival and what is required to experience it in our own lives in order to see it active and powerful in the Church today.
Course Objectives:
- To give the student an understanding of true revival
- To encourage and stir the student to hunger for revival in their lives
- To guide the student to develop their personal role in experiencing revival in the Church
Course Description:
In this course students will learn about the power, presence, and purpose of the Holy Spirit.
Course Objectives:
- Learn about Holy Spirit as an integral part of the Godhead
- Learn about Holy Spirit as an individual with unique characteristics, personality, and a personal assignment for His work on the Earth
- To come to know Holy Spirit in an intimate, personal friendship that leads to God’s intended purposes
Course Description:
This course is an overview of the life and ministry of Jesus throughout the Gospels. We will see the revelation of these parables, stories, healings, and miracles from the view of four different authors. These authors ring an emphasis on the biblical theology of each divinely written book and application.
Course Objective:
The course unpacks the historical context of the Gospels and their key literary features. Topics will include:
- The Sermon on the Mount
- The Kingdom of God
- The Parables
- The Ethics of Jesus
- The Resurrection
Students will become aware of the biblical theology of each book covered in this course, including that contributions that each one makes to the Canon as a whole.